The Power Goals worksheet
Organization is the key to saving time, having a productive day on the job and getting things done. People depend on our organizational skills at home and at work. It is often assumed that people with good organizational skills are better leaders and those with poor organizational skills are better followers. Because perception is everything, an organized person appears more responsible and professional.
Since we all have a natural tendency to forget, especially when we are stressed and lacking sleep having a calendar or somewhere to store our personal list is key to remembering things that are important. But how about those things that can’t all fit in our calendars, or on our smart phone apps?
I created a “Power Goals” worksheet to help me organize my life on a daily basis. This is not just a form with list. There are categories that are customized according to my needs of that week. I add as many things on this list as possible and check them off when the task (or goal) has been accomplished. At mid-week I start off with fresh goals and ideas. I keep the Power Goal Worksheets in my computer bag, portable folder or in my purse. Since I have a digital version, I can also keep them stored on my computer. The benefit of having a paper version is its portability.
If I am working on a film set, I can create a worksheet that is geared towards those goals, same for school and other specified functions. This is really handy, because now I won’t forget. The time it takes me to organize my thoughts actually helps me to remember more than I would have normally. I once created categories for books I read or needed to read or purchase for research I was doing at the time.
Seeing my progress also allows me to honestly determine how well I am progressing. Can’t make any excuses for procrastinations or forgetting to do something. It’s time to get things done!
Getting organized is always a good thing in my book.
Since posting this article and form many new gadgets have come into the marketplace to make organizing portable, easy and accessible. The iPad is a good start as well as free apps.
Forbes list has an article titled "5 Best Apps for Getting and Staying Organized" that is worth reading. Do keep in mind that not all apps are free, and technology can't always solve the problem of good old fashion organizing. Calendars are great reminders, but there is noting wrong with seeing the big picture on one page.
This might seem like over kill, but I also have a huge white dry-board I use to strategize. When important bills and dates come up at home, I write these things down immediately before jumping to technology, which takes more time to access. Check out the free app "Evernote" it was recommended by a relative of mine. It's free, however there is a paid version as well with more features I presume.
The goal here is to come up with the best strategy that fits your personal needs.
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